The Woodland Star campus is located in the incredible 40-acre Brackenhurst indigenous forest. Regeneration of the forest began in 2000 with the removal of most of the exotic trees and their replacement with indigenous trees. The forest currently boasts more than 1,500 species of indigenous plants: trees, climbers, shrubs, flowers, herbs, ferns, orchids and fungi that have been planted by students, staff and visitors.

Underlying our ethos at Woodland Star is the understanding that we are all a part of this ecosystem that we call the world. It is everyone’s responsibility to craft new ways of positively interacting with our environment for our combined sustainability. As a school, we must show children awareness in choosing actions that benefit our local and global community.

As such, support of the forest is an integral part of the school’s sustainability efforts. Our macro responsibility to the ecosystem starts with our micro responsibility to the Brackenhurst Forest. In addition to student-led initiatives such as campus tree-planting programs (our learners have planted thousands of trees!) and volunteering in the forest, a financial contribution from each student’s school fees is made towards the forest restoration efforts each year.

This year our contribution will exceed $12,000 and we look forward to raising more each year. As Woodland Star International School grows so does the impact we can have on our surroundings now and in the future.

If you are interested in joining our green community, or for more information about our forest restoration efforts, you can get in touch with us at: | +254 (0) 715 741 041

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