Our Values.

Our values define our culture and are the principles that guide us.







Passion refers to many different aspects of life and learning.


At Woodland Star, we are passionate about learning together as a community, about teaching children through enabling their passions, and passionate about pursuing excellence in education for our students and our school community.


We seek out innovative ways to empower every student to succeed in life and learning.


We strive to teach children in the ways that they learn best; we will utilize innovative curriculum to relate lessons to the learner. We believe that all people have passion, potential, and possibility. Learning needs to be exciting for every child.


At Woodland Star, we strive to connect with each other, the community, our environment and the world.


We believe that learning happens best when the “puzzle pieces” of information and ideas are connected; we teach with an integrated method, so concepts are interwoven and make sense to the student.


Respect focuses on how to treat ourselves, each other, our school, our community, and our world.


We believe each individual has great worth and a role to play in our community. Together, with our diverse viewpoints, beliefs, and gifts, we can impact the world and help make it a better place. This begins with a courteous environment in which students are well-mannered, confident, polite and respectful of peers, teachers, staff, parents and visitors to the school.

environmental conservation

Underlying our ethos at Woodland Star is the understanding that we are all a part of this ecosystem that we call the world. It is everyone’s responsibility to craft new ways of positive interaction with our environment for our combined sustainability.


As a school, we must show children awareness in choosing actions that benefit our local and global community.

Our Vision & Ethos.

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