I had the pleasure of visiting Woodland Star International School from the 7th to the 14th of March 2022. This was in connection with a quality assurance evaluation that was conducted by the School from October 2021 until the end of March 2022.
Woodland Star is an amazing school that nestles in scenic and spacious grounds, surrounded by lovely forests. The various classrooms are spread out, leaving ample room for the children to play and to be outdoors. Individual classrooms are a delight and much thought has obviously been given to the needs of the children. Loft areas, patios and spaces for group work abound, making the classrooms very welcoming for all concerned.
The organisational skills of all staff concerned are very apparent and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. The School Board is very well managed and supportive and is to be congratulated for its input over the years and for approving the going-ahead of the Woodland Star High School in the near future. The School Management Team, ably led by the Principal, Mr Timo Lehmann, operates well and the School certainly runs smoothly. The teaching members of staff are to be congratulated on the way they support each other and how they put the needs of the children to the fore.
The atmosphere at Woodland Star is positive and welcoming. I look forward to hearing about future successes at the School and wish all concerned a bright and sustained future.
Thank you.
Derek Reynish